Tag Archives: Exercise

Uttanpadasana (The Raised Legs Pose) Steps & Benefits

Forward Bend Pose or Uttanasana

Uttanpadasana: There are many people who try to go for different asanas in order to keep themselves fit and healthy. You should know that if you are able to get the right posture for the different asanas then you would not have to worry about performing it in the right way. It is also important […]

Salabhasana Yoga (Locust Pose Benefits)

You should try to practice different types of asanas in the right manner. If you have any doubt or difficulty in performing asanas then it is always very important to get the right advice from an yoga practitioner or expert. It is for sure that it would take a lot of time to exercise for […]

How To Do The Shavasana (Corpse Pose) Mathod And Benefits

‘Shava’ means a corpse or a dead body. Here we have to make all our limbs limp or virtually dead. We will have a look at the different steps that you need to follow while performing Shavasana: When you try to practice asana then you should make sure that you always get it done from […]

Urdhva Dhanurasana – Upward Facing Bow Pose | Full Bridge Pose

Chakrasana (Wheel) or Urdhva Dhanurasana – Upward Facing Bow Pose | Full Bridge Pose Urdhva Dhanurasana – Upward Facing Bow Pose, sometimes called “Wheel”, is a pose either for advanced students, or people who are genetically gifted with flexibility and a lot of upper body and arm strength. Not only does Full Bridge work your […]

Pranayama Yoga (breathing control Exercise) for Beginners

Top 10 Pranayama Yoga (Breathing Control) & Poses. Pranayama is the fourth limb of Ashtanga yoga, and is also called as the “Heart of Yoga.” I call it as the “Science of Breathing.” Pranayama comes from two words, prana and ayama. Prana stands for the vital energy which is present within each one of us. […]

What is Patanjali’s Ashtanga Yoga?

The Sanskrit word ‘Yoga’ has two meaning, because it is derived from two roots – one is ‘yujir yoge’ and other is ‘yuj samadhou’. The root ‘yujir yoge’ means to join or to unite. Religious leaders accept this meaning because their philosophy is based on dualism. They always try to project an external God and […]

What is Hatha Yoga? All Poses and Benefits

Hatha Yoga : Yoga has it beginnings in ancient India but this discipline has invaded the whole world due to the benefits it offers to people who take up yoga. A survey shows that there are billions of people who practice yoga in the world. What is Hatha Yoga? All Poses and Benefits. There are various […]

Paschimottanasana Benefits and Steps

Paschimottanasana Benefits and Steps (Seated Forward Bend Pose Yoga) Paschimottanasana: With different types of asanas you have to make sure that you perform it under a strict supervision of your yoga expert. You can try to practice Paschimottanasana where you can get lots of health benefits. You need to know all the steps that are […]

Matsyasana Yoga Pose & Benefits (Fish Pose Yoga)

Matsyasana Yoga Pose & Benefits (Fish Pose Yoga) There are different asanas that you can practice to keep yourself fit and fine. You also need to know that if you are able to do the asanas in the right way and that too regularly then you would really be able to get the best results […]

Halasana Yoga Pose & Benefits (Plow Pose Yoga)

Halasana Yoga Pose & Benefits (Plow Pose Yoga) Halasana: There are different types of yoga that you can practice in order to live a healthy life. You need to know that you should not try to overstress yourself when you perform the different yogas. In this case whenever you try to practice yoga it is […]