Category Archives: Women

What is Orgasmic Yoga?

Human beings in all times and cultures have experimented with sex to achieve trans-personal parts of consciousness. Orgasmic Yoga evolved over the last twenty-five years out of a network of sexual adventurers and researchers exploring the potential of erotic massage and mindful masturbation. The focus of these researchers was their own inner subjective somatic experience […]

Change your Lifestyle by asking questions from yourself.

Change Your Lifestyle By Going Through The 4 Daily Affirmations, Personal Strengths, Morning Power Questions, Evening Questions, Problem Questions And Some Other Few For Your Day-To-Day Activities THE 4 DAILY AFFIRMATIONS PERSONAL STRENGTHS MORNING POWER QUESTIONS EVENING QUESTIONS PROBLEM QUESTIONS OTHER DAY-TO-DAY QUESTIONS Look In The Glass And Say: I am smart because I always […]

What is Vata Dosha ?

According to Ayurveda, there are three primary life forces in the body called doshas. The doshas bind the five elements – air, ether, fire, water and earth into living flesh. In Sanskrit these are called Vata, Pitta and Kapha. They are the active and mobile elements that determine the life processes of growth and decay. […]

What is Kapha Dosha?

According to Ayurveda, there are three primary life forces in the body called doshas. The doshas bind the five elements – air, ether, fire, water and earth into living flesh. In Sanskrit these are called Vata, Pitta and Kapha Dosha. They are the active and mobile elements that determine the life processes of growth and […]