The Importance Of Diet For Beauty

The Importance Of Diet For Beauty

This section contains detailed information about how to manage many aspects of daily life to create harmony in the body and the Importance Of Diet For Beauty. Such information should be treated as guidelines for living, to be adopted gradually as circumstances allow. The intention is not to be restrictive, but to appeal to the basic nature of the body that, when given appropriate options and time to adjust, prefers routine over chaos and desire space and freedom to develop a truly creative way of being.

Please remember that too much change at once – even in a positive direction – is hard for the body to handle. Change a few things at a time. Reflect on the results. If they seem to make a sufficient difference in how you look and feel, chances are these new ways will become a part of your daily life. This is how real discipline arises, a discipline that arises from true self will add a sense of joy in doing what works. Using Ayurvedic principles as tools for self-exploration in this way, you can become your own healer and truly be in command of your own potential.

The Importance Of Diet For Beauty

“As long as we are not living in harmony with nature and our constitution, we cannot expect ourselves to be really healed. Ayurvedic gives us the means.“

According to Ayurveda, it is the perfect digestion and assimilation of our food together with the regular and efficient evacuation of wastes that is essential for beauty. These form the cornerstone for a strong, well-balanced, and beautiful being. Together they are responsible for producing clear skin, bright eyes, glossy hair, string nails, stamina, and a gentle compassionate nature.

Any food, no matter how perfect, that is improperly digested forms toxic wastes called “ama”. Ama, in turn, clogs the system, impeding good digestion – compounding the problem by creating blockages in vital channels and clouding the mind.

Good digestion is enhanced by intelligent selection and skillful preparation of foods, plus a mindful attitude when eating. We should aware the Importance Of Diet For Beauty. Before talking specifically about food preparation and selection, we shall first look at general guidelines for helping digestion.


  1.  When there are any signs of improperly digested food or ama, such a bad breath, heavily coated tongue, gas, cloudy urine, nausea, or digestive upset, it is best to give the system time to clean and balance itself by fasting for a day or atleast skipping a meal until a sense of appetite returns.   
  2. Never eat when angry, depressed, bored, upset or exhausted.  
  3. Bathe before eating. It this is not practical, wash your hands and face. 
  4. Eat at home as much as possible. Food prepared with love and pure intention to benefit others is always better energy than food produced in restaurants which is intended to turn profit. Traditionally, cooks in India were chosen from the priestly class to ensure that good energy went into the food. 
  5. Eat alone or with friends and family in whose company you can completely relax. 
  6. Eat in a quite, clean place. Facing east when eating maximizes the energy for digestion. 
  7. Listen to classical music or Indian music designed to aid digestion. Both are helpful in settling the mood for  dining. 
  8. Sip warm water with your meal to aid digestion. Never drink ice water or milk with your meal. 
  9. Use ginger to help spur the appetite. Prepare it by chopping it finely and mixing with a little lemon juice and a small amount of rock salt. Pitta types usually don’t need this and so long as their appetite is strong, they are better off without it. 
  10. Minimize raw foods. Cooked foods are generally easier to digest.  
  11. Quiet while eating is best, except for pleasant background music. It is said that the quality  of conversation after the  meal reflect the nature and quality of meal, whereas conversation during the meal is a distraction to good digestion. 
  12. Eat only as much as would fit into your hands cupped together.
  13. Eat food of all six tastes : sweet, sour, salty, bitter, pungent, astringent – varying portions to suit your doshic balance.
  14. Eat fresh, local, seasonal foods whenever possible.
  15. Clean the mouth, rinse the eyes and take a short walk.
  16. Leave 3-6 hours between meals.
  17. Try to keep regular meal times.


  1. Select organic foods when possible. Not only do you avoid potentially poisonous chemicals that block and age tissues, but also organic foods are richer in nutrients, especially trace minerals – important to skin, hair, nails and temperature.
  2. Eat foods that are in season so they are freshest and naturally most suited to the climate in the particular time that you are in. fresh fruits are fullest in vitality and give you more energy.
  3. Pay attention to selecting foods appropriate to your dosha. Also, take a note of the season and time of day when a particular dosha is naturally higher and adjust your selection accordingly.
  4. Eat food that grows in the area in which you live or within a 400 mile radius so that they can form a similar climate zone. Foods that grow in your area will help  you to keep  well and look good.
  5. Vata is higher in the autumn and winter, and daily, in the afternoon. Pitta is higher in summer and daily, at midday. Kapha is higher in the spring and daily, in the early morning and evening.
  6. Eat freshly prepared foods as much as possible. Fresh leftovers are preferable to fast foods.
  7. Avoid poor food combinations, such as ………….
    Very hot and very cold foods.
    Raw and cooked foods.
    Milk and fish 
    Milk and meat.
  8. Avoid microwaves. This form of cooking disperses rather than condenses energy and is thus weakening over time. This has been scientifically and empirically proven.
  9. Food should look and smell appetizing. Pleasant garnishes and an attractive table setting also help to instill a sense of harmony at the table.
  10. Drink spring water and purified water. Avoid distilled water as it is devoid of all minerals and can leach them from your system, weakening bones, teeth’s, hair, nails and skin.
  11. Chew each mouthful of food well – at least until it is liquid.

“Finish the meal with lassi, a drink made with yogurt that should have live acidophilus bacteria, helpful to digestion. Modern diets are harsh on intestinal flora and often cause imbalances that  lead to digestive problems. Acidophilus helps to restore the balance. Homemade yogurt is the best.”

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